Sunday, December 6, 2015

Cast your votes for best sculpture in Salina, Kansas

Cast your votes for best sculpture in Salina, Kansas

While the twenty-five sculptures spread throughout downtown will remain on exhibit until early April 2016, you have just weeks before voting closes. When your family is looking for something to do over the holidays, make a trip downtown to stroll through SculptureTour Salina. Ballots and ballot return boxes are located in each of the three crosswalk structures on Santa Fe, and at many downtown businesses, plus the SDI, Chamber, and Visit Salina offices at 7th & Ash.  The mile-long tour is perfect for all ages, and it’s a great way to start a conversation about public art and what appeals to you - or doesn’t! - about each unique piece.“The People’s Choice Award is a very important part of SculptureTour Salina,” stated project Chair Mike Hoppock, Land Title Services.  “This award gives everyone - Salina’s citizens, visitors, young and old alike – a chance to voice their opinion about which sculpture they would like to see purchased by the City of Salina to remain in our community.  Everybody gets a say, because everybody gets a vote!”

This year, ALL ballots that have been submitted throughout 2015 are being placed in drawings, to be held in early January.  Winners will be chosen from three age categories.

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