Sunday, December 20, 2015

Eldon L. Hoyle Economic Development Award Nominations Due in Junction City

Eldon L. Hoyle Economic Development Award Nominations Due

The Junction City Area Chamber of Economic Development Advisory Committee created the Eldon L. Hoyle Economic Development Award in 2012, in recognition of Mr. Hoyle's outstanding contribution and service to the community. The purpose of this award is to recognize a local citizen whose service has improved the Junction City community. A subcommittee of the EDC advisory committee evaluates the nominations and selects the honoree.  A plaque in honor of Eldon Hoyle and all award winners is on display at the Chamber of Commerce office.

To nominate someone for the 2015 award please submit a letter including: your name and contact information, the nominee's name, contact information and an explanation of their qualifications for the award to the Junction City Area Chamber of Commerce EDC 222 W 6th Junction City KS 66441 or by email, before 5:00 pm. Jan. 21, 2016.

Selection Criteria
An outstanding contribution related to creating new jobs, retaining existing jobs, inviting new business, new business start-up, community development, or quality of life.

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