Sunday, May 15, 2016

Improv Camp Sign up at Great Plains Theatre Starts Today!!

Improv Camp Sign up at Great Plains Theatre Starts Today!!

June 13-17
8am - 1pm
Performance: June 17 at noon

Improvisational theatre helps with conversation and decision-making skills, personal expression, and ensemble building. It doesn't matter how old you are, or how funny you think you are. It's about working together and supporting your partners to create completely unplanned, entertaining theatre.

Come do some improv with Oklahoma City University's Sage Tokach. The camp is for ANY age above 7. It will focus on long-form scene building and short-form games.

To register, visit our website at:
Download the registration form or stop by the GPT office at 401 Cottage Avenue to get a printed registration form.
The final performance will be held at noon on June 17. There will be no admission fee.

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